
Friday 30 December 2016


L5 - Activity 5.1

1- What is “Intercultural Competence” (I.C.)?

Some of the examples are the following:
The United States Army Research Institute has defined it as "A set of cognitive, behavioural, and affective/motivational components that enable individuals to adapt effectively in intercultural environments."
Selmeski (2007) identified eleven different terms used as equivalent: cultural savvy, astuteness, appreciation, literacy or fluency, adaptability, terrain, expertise, competency, awareness, intelligence, and understanding.
D.K. Deardoff  defines intercultural  competence as  “the  ability  to  develop  targeted knowledge,  skills  and attitudes that  lead  to  visible behaviour and communication that are both effective and appropriate in intercultural interactions.”
In my opinion, intercultural competence is the ability to communicate and behave appropriately with those who are culturally different. For example: An Spaniard that travels to Germany and shakes hands with someone from Germany instead of giving two kisses. That would be intercultural competence.

2- Is I.C. important for communication?

Intercultural Competence is of crucial importance in order to ensure an effective communication. In this way, knowing the culture of the others is very important to help reduce misunderstandings.

3- How does I.C. relate to identity?

As intercultural competence is related with culture, each individual adopts a set of values and beliefs as his or her own, while some are of more personal, others of a more social nature. In order to create self-identity, a person negotiates with society the meaning of his or her identity, and it may arise from the learning of social roles through personal experience, and through a variety of identity formation strategies (identity negotiation).

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