
Thursday 12 January 2017


There are our impressions of what is critical thinking and why is so important for us, not only as a future teachers but also as student in continous trainning.

"Imagine if we were not able to think for ourselves or some regulations would not allow us. This may sound absurd but it is much like what is happening with the education of our nation’s children. We are creating a society in which thinking is not welcomed. Take for instance television, most of the programs that are broadcasted, and you will realize the standards that rule our today’s society and the truth is that this is not making us progress. Second, how can we expect our students to be critical if we do not teach them how to achieve it? Most of the times, our education does not allow our students to be creative and just tell them what and how to do things. We are like robots."
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"Being that we live in a world that is continuously evolving; there is new progress on every field of knowledge and we have more and more information and new and faster tools to get it everyday. Why wouldn’t we want our students to know how to think critically? How to be inquisitive and reasonable in the selection of criteria and information? When we think about these questions, it is important to state that the present generation of students will become the society of the future; so, why wouldn’t we give them the necessary tools to live and succeed on the future world?"
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"Students are supposed to learn (sometimes memorize) a table of contents in order to pass one exam after the other. Let’s be honest: who in this country (apart from those who know the answer as specialists) remembers the name of the Spanish kings and queens since 1492? Or an extremely ‘useful’ quadratic equation? What about the different rhetorical figures we can draw out from a poem?"
Would you like to read the whole story? click here: 😊 

Juan Carlos:
"Of course, the contents and subjects are important, but if professors don’t teach with the purpose of create critical thinkers ready to question the world and assemble their own opinion, empty students will be created. Another brick in the wall of our useless occidental education system.”
Would you like to read the whole story? click here: 😊 

"As a conclusion, I would like to speak about some benefits of critical thinking. First, students become more independent and self-sufficient . Secondly, it shows them how to filter out relevant and irrelevant information. Thirdly, it teaches not to judge other perspectives. It enables to see beyond. This is crucial to work in teams and become a good leader. Eventually, it makes them better communicators because they know how to support their theory or point of view with proper arguments."
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1 comment:

  1. Hey! I just popped by to say I really liked the fact that you devoted an entry to critical thinking. In my opinion, technology is making it so much easier for people to access information that we are somehow forgetting that it is there for us to do sommething with it. It is great to know that there are teachers concerned with this issue.
    What would you think about using literature (adapted or explained) such as Brave New World or 1984 to deal with these topics in class?
